Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay, on a lighter note: here some vocabulary to practice your Spanglish!

WATER My vieja gets mad and I don't even know water problem is!

BRIEF My homie farted... bad, and I couldn't brief.

MUSHROOM Orale vato, when all my familia gets in the car, there’s not mushroom.

CHICKEN My vieja wanted me to go to the store, but chicken go by herself.

LIVER & CHEESE Some vato tried to sweet talk my ruca. I told him, orale loco liver alone, cheese mine.

JULY Ju tol me ju were goin to the store and July to me! Julyer!

WAFER I wanted to go with my mom to the flea market pero she didn't wafer me!

HERPES I had some cake to share with my wife, this is my piece this is herpes

TISSUE I told you if you didn't know how to do it, I could tissue.

HARASSMENT Aorale vato my old lady caught me in bed wit my sancha so I said harassment nothing to me!

CASHEW I was running after you but I couldn't cashew!

BISHOP We went out to the club y mi vieja got drunk and fell down, so I had to pick the bishop.

JUICY Hey vato, I'm going to eat Paco's food, tell me if juicy him!!

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